Blogging from A to Z / Candy Crush Soda Saga level 1207


Tomorrow marks a month since I started my gaming challenge. It's a wonder I finished a level almost every day. I mean I played every day, with some exceptions of either having a complete network failure or playing other games that day, butI never thought it's possible to win a level on no matter which of the games you own. Keep in mind that what I screen recorded until now are pay-to-win games. It means, game companies either give you way to less bonuses to play a game with, which you have to wait and just log in every day for few days to collect bonuses for a round to play, or you pay an obscene amount of money for some extra bundles.

Now I never thought I could blog about a single subject, every day, for a year. The truth is, I can't and I don't want to. My blogging challenge is an excuse to promote my photography, share some other kind of stuff completely different froom gaming and making this experience of blogging regularily. It's not difficult to blog regularily if you have other subjects to blog about to avoid repetitions. I was so confused by those people who don't like this Quarantine Life that I began to think my life is just as unimportant as theirs. It comes out it's not. I shared a lot, every day.

Blogging from A to Z is better than A photo an hour because I don't like to share things around my room. It's privacy. I will go back to photographying every hour when I will have more time to spend outside, showing you things worth seeing. Screen recording means chosing an area to scren record, record that area as long as you want or need to, minimally edit the movie (if necesary) and share it. It doesn't require me showing you my face, my clothes, my house, etc. So much for not being an influencer.

I am glad I chosed to screen record from the beginnig. It doesn't require writing too much about it and sometimes there isn't anything to write about.


It's also the reason I don't record my games with sound. Sound effects would so lag my game I wouldn't be able to play it. Plus, I enjoy the silence when I play games. I want to focus on how I play instead of hearing blasting horns around me. If I could turn off HD and animations in those game, I definitelly would! I don't need dancing bears lagging my game for 2 minutes of loading screen.

Now I realized I wrote all this in flow. It wasn't planned. I wonder if I will write something tomorrow to mark one month of gaming aniversary. What a great blogger I am.

 Kristen Wiig Yep GIF by Where’d You Go Bernadette


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