Today's game, COVID_19 is worse than you ever thought and some lockdown tips for calming period cramps

 No, I am not a doctor a holistic guru.

But I simply know that you should take it easy with meds for few days (periods).

The Dose makes the poison (Paracelsus)

 Now if you stay at home because of lockdown, try to stop taking meds and sleep more. Relax. Drink your favorite tea. Watch that movie you always wanted to. Travel to those places you wouldn't even have money to travel too, via google streets (today I "traveled" to one of the hottest places on Earth: The Furnace Creek); while breathing a 20C air and not dealing with papers, money, savings, time to get to destination and back. I traveled to Paris and Nigeria.

To anyone whom I told why I stay home:

I don't even know how I got it, Spread through my entire family like a wildfire... Luckily everyone is safe & healthy, Trust me it's not a joke I can literally feel what people go through before they die from corona.... Stay home stay safe if you care for loved ones...


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