Today's Bingo Slots game + exhausted

 I'm exhausted.

The weather was either too cold, windy, the sun was shining to bright or all of above, in loop, every hour.

It doesn't matter if I drink coffee or black tea, I'm still sleepy.

It also doesn't matter if I drink any other kind of tea, because I still can't find something to distract me from lethargy.

I am not even interested in gaming because:

1) I don't have any bingos. Serves me right 😆

2) Other games still have Easter Bonuses, which I am not in the mood to consume because I am tired.

3) and least but not last, I like closing my eyes, hearing an audiobook. Now this is relaxing. I listened to further chapters and I relaxed my nerves for a while; then I remembered to check something on Bingo Party; and then I though I might at least collect some Bingos. I did collect 2 Bingos and some XP, but then I got tired of gaming. Audiobooks are more interesting for me right now.

I did manage to upload today's gaming video, but it's just an excuse to let you know how sleepy I am.


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