Abandonware // Blogging From A to Z // Gaming

 I saw a video on facebook that reminded me instantly of the Game Re-Volt by Acclaim (1999). Apparently this game was sold to other gaming companies, who  made othere trash-y spin-offs out of it and then eventually the original Re-Volt became an abandonware; which means you can download it online without paying for it if you don't want to, nor have to crack it or download it illegaly.

I love abandoneware as much as I love open source. The reason why I stick to abandonware is that they simply work better, error free and it stays the same as I know it since forever. It was those good days when the clue was in the name: user frendly interface.

Not to mention how fast these software can be! Loading in few seconds, graphics was minimal but understandable, error notifications were straight to the point. If you neede to fix something, it was quickly explained in one sentence what you need to do or install to use your software. It wasn't some "Error" "plastered" in the middle of the screen or a whatever code that isn't anywhere to be found online. Today I am even paranoid when it comes to buying anything that was released after 2014. Of course you don't get any service when you stick to abandonware, but then I never needed any service either.

While companies try to make you balieve you need the newest thing on the market, you actually discover that old stuff are better. The interface of last Gimp version I'm using is actually crowded, smaller, photoshop-like, but I got used to it, eventually. I actually gave up on the newest Gimp version right now, because I don't want to study user interface, but work with that software.

Is this the future of the Internet and technology? Abandoned software - being actually better than the new software? Why?


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