Game: June's Journey // Blogging from A to Z Challenge


 My random gaming challenge goes on. It's been 5 days sinc I played June's Journey last time. I progressed like 1 level sicne then. It's because I play other games in the meantime, all random and because I don't record everything I play. It's just a gaming challenge to blog about something every day and to get into basic film editing for now. Of course it would be nice if I reach out to you guys out there, but I want my blog to be my blog, not some another fancy influencer-y commercial online newspaper.

I also don't have any other photography stuff to share as I am working on new projects and I am waiting for the mini-challenge on discord to end, so I can upload my new photo and share it. Also, working on what I hope it will be fine art, takes days. I'm a beginner and most of the tutorials out there are meh. It takes time, nerves and a lot of trial and error to create the image I want.


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