Shaking off the cold

I feel better after drinking a lot of tea, eating hot soups and fruit. I still have a rough voice especially if I speak loud and for some long(er) time.
I'm experimenting with vitamins and tea... and of course, photography 😍.
not happy with this view
This thing... Is not kompost as the fruit are fresh (as oposed to cooked).A friend told me it's still a tea but some kind of... well something different and interesting. Ok I cold my experiment raw tea; or roar/ tea as the pronunciation is quite the same (english is not my native language, so feel free to laugh at me joke) 😃

  • pears (speaking of which, the last time I ate pears I was probably in my teens) (?)
  • grapes
  • tea bag
  • hot water

Enjoy it while you edit the photos and upload them on  different photo-challenge-websites...


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