Rant about Facebook

Hello my readers,
(Wow! I didn't expect to have some reads on my newly started blog. I don't even know where my blog will end or what and when I will write next 😮😀)
good to see you in 2019!
And now my rant about Facebook: I tried to share my husband's post on different music groups and guess what...
My post got banned by Facebook for whatever reason I couldn't understand. I also couldn't undo this "mistake" as faceFace's report options have become a chore.
In other words, I try to do as much as I can with the power and knowledge I have. It's not much I guess but it's better than nothing.
Technology is becoming increasingly difficult. It makes me even angrier as I studied technology in highschool. I should deal with this stuff, right?
Yeah. No. I feel older and older day by day trying to deal with things that make me feel guilty for not knowing how to cope with them.
How do you cope with such feelings?


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