A different game: Dice Dreams + my exhibition digital and print

 I have a love-hate relationship with this game. I don't like it because it's too similar to Coin Master, which has a bad reputation for being a game +40s play. I like it because it's different than crushing candies...

my photo "The Evergreen Tree" in print exhibition (22-24th October). Until then, enjoy the Virtual Exhibition.

May be an image of text that says "1 KUNSTMATRIX Search For artist, exhibitors, exhibitions, Wja8vMymATNI PRICING| HELP REGISTER LOGIN EN DE MENU How to? and drag camera rotate the Ûu and down keys o move and back click floor artworks the jump directly click menu icon access catalog fullscreen and else. for best performance we the tollowing browsers:" 

 It feels good to have my photo exhibited in the country I live.


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