How I deep condition my hair

 I usually deep condition my hair either every week or every 2 weeks. I wash my hair also every week or sometimes even twice a week to moisturize my hair when needed.

My deep conditioning is minimalistic. I usually have 2 recipients, one for oiling my scalp, the other one for deep conditioning my length (lower-thigh length).


1. Left Bowl (for the hair length)

- 1 1/2 table spoons (aka large spoon) coconut oil

- eventually patchulli and orange sweet oil (for your hair to smell nice if you want it to)

- optional: conditional or hair mask (for extra conditioning)

How to: put that small bowl into another bowl or so and be careful not to pour hot water into the oil mix.

 Bonus tips: put the bowl on a heater to preserve the heat while the oil is melting.

Keep in mind that it may over-moisturize your hair, so fine, slippery hair should be normal. There are some tips on strong holding buns, because the usual fluffy, messy, voluminous buns and braids won't happen (unless you heat style it probably)

2. Right Bowl (for the scalp)

- patchulli oil, same how tos as in the first case, just without any other oil.

The reason why I started with the coconut oil bowl is because coconut oil needs more time to melt and preserve its temperature while you start working oil on your scalp. Use coconut oil at the end and wrap a cling wrap and towels before the coconut oil solidifies.

Bonus: cover your bowls to preserve heat.

Bonus +: put the bowls on a heater to preserve heat for longer.

After I finished applying the deep conditioner I usually drink tea, blog, read a book, watch tv or so. I keep the deep conditioning on my hair anywhere between 30 min to 3 hours, probably more.

meaning what?


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