Der Gänseblumentopf-Minion // Daisies in a usb-memory stick cap.

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Yesterday I couldn't upload any gaming video because my computer restarted like 3 times and it didn't save the recording. I got sick of gaming anyway so I decided to create something different. I sent this photo to my mother via facebook messenger and she liked it; she also asked me where(?) I shot this. I told her it was made on my balcony railing. Unfortunately she was already offline; I replied too late, so I am still waiting for her reply (eventually). I am writing this so I don't have to explain to everyone how I created this image.

This image is called Der Gänseblummentopf-Minion because I placed daisies in a usb-stick like I'd place any kind of flowers in a flowerpot. Think flower arangements meets close-up.

If you have a fancy USB-Memory stick you can come up with crazy ideas. I can't remember how I came up with my idea but it wasn't anything to do with checking on floral arangements or flowers or macro... Maybe it was one of my crazy ideas I got since lockdown anyway...

My mind was suddenly in 2 dimensions at the same time and I wanted to pluck 7 daisies (not all shown in the photo, but solely for defusing the light in the background) and put them into that cap of my USB-Memory stick.


 I didn't want any distracting elements in the background so I decided for some pretty much blown sky and an akward angle. Very amateurish...
Also great potential in a B&W with a color spot, but it still looks like a 2D object.
Also, These images should tell you (and me) why photographying when the sun is shining high on the sky is not really a good idea: the right side is too dark. Sometimes it's good to play with shadows and achieve a vintage look but not in this case.
Explainations you may find on this webpage and this one.
The next day in the morning (a bit over 8 o'clock) I recreated the image above.
That's better: you can see, the glower pot is actually standing on something. So far so good: the light looks somewhat ballanced. Usually most of the people stop here, happy with their results. I don't.
I wanted to create a B&W with a spot of color; but while checking out some tutirals I stumbled upon this one. Of course I applyed the tips that helped me with my photo, the second part of the video would look stupid for my photo. It's ok to check out the tips but it's important to know which tips are good in which situation. You learn by doing...
The dragan effect in Gimp actually pushed the contrast a bit too far. It's ok, because the photo is not finished yet.
You need this a bit overcooked photo for the next step, the B&W. with a color spot. I think it's merely for blending purposes, rather than contrastss alone. I'm not exactly sure how different effects work and why, but that's what's youtube for.
Nice but meh. The colored flower still doesn't pop.

Then you play with some Luminar 3 templates:

then this one  

then you decide for a bit more contrast on the colored flower:

  or like this ,

Then you try some blurred versions, for the sake of it, because usually people like images as harp as possible:

and this


When you finish your shooting session, clean that USB-Memory stick cap and cover your USB to protect it against dust and humidity.


Here's bonus spam-photo of my minion

I also decided to follow the classic B&W with a color spot.


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