Der Gänseblumentopf-Minion // Daisies in a usb-memory stick cap.
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Yesterday I couldn't upload any gaming video because my computer restarted like 3 times and it didn't save the recording. I got sick of gaming anyway so I decided to create something different. I sent this photo to my mother via facebook messenger and she liked it; she also asked me where(?) I shot this. I told her it was made on my balcony railing. Unfortunately she was already offline; I replied too late, so I am still waiting for her reply (eventually). I am writing this so I don't have to explain to everyone how I created this image.
This image is called Der Gänseblummentopf-Minion because I placed daisies in a usb-stick like I'd place any kind of flowers in a flowerpot. Think flower arangements meets close-up.
If you have a fancy USB-Memory stick you can come up with crazy ideas. I can't remember how I came up with my idea but it wasn't anything to do with checking on floral arangements or flowers or macro... Maybe it was one of my crazy ideas I got since lockdown anyway...
My mind was suddenly in 2 dimensions at the same time and I wanted to pluck 7 daisies (not all shown in the photo, but solely for defusing the light in the background) and put them into that cap of my USB-Memory stick.
then this one
then you decide for a bit more contrast on the colored flower:
or like this ,
Then you try some blurred versions, for the sake of it, because usually people like images as harp as possible:
and this
When you finish your shooting session, clean that USB-Memory stick cap and cover your USB to protect it against dust and humidity.
Here's bonus spam-photo of my minion
I also decided to follow the classic B&W with a color spot.
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