Capillary schedule again

 I decided to do a capillary schedule again. My hair felt soft, even if it was once a week and buying 3 types of conditioner. The reason why I go back to a capillary schedule is because I tend to forget to give my hair the moisture-nutrition-repair it needs. I only condition my hair when it feels dry, but it feels especially dry in summer. We have dry summers here in north-west of Germany. Talk about climate change... 

ETA: when I had the idea to start my capilary schedule, it was hot outside. Now it's autumn time. I get cold faster so I may need to wash my hair 2 times a week, because steam showers: mondays and thursdays.

 Because I wash my hair twice a week in winter I will chose the first two rows of the weekly schedule.

1st Month

27th August - HYDRATION first, NUTRITION next Monday

31st August - NUTRITION.

3rd September - NUTRITION again.

7th September - HYDRATON.

10th September - HYDRATION.

13th September - NUTRITION. I had to wash my hair because I had to go to dentist.

17th September - NUTRITION.

21st September - HYDRATION.


2nd Month 

24th September - NUTRITION

28th September - RECONSTRUCTION

1st October - HYDRATION

5th October - NUTRITION

8th October - NUTRITION again

12th October - HYDRATION


After finishing my hydration bottle of conditioner I didn't buy a new conditioner. Ending the capillary schedule may seem logical, but I like to experiment. I do condition twice in a wash day: Condition-Wash-Condition or Wash-Condition-Condition. I usually follow by the rule: moisture - oil - protein. Protein (keratine) containing condtioners are heavy (yes, they weigh down your hair but it locks other lighter ingredients in other conditioner(s)). If I don't have a protein conditioner I lock in moisture (hydration conditioners) with a lighter than keratine (repair) conditioners, which is oil based conditioners. If I don't have any of the heavier conditioners I go with a hydrating conditioner twice and it's ok. My hair is not chemically processed so it needs balance between moisture oils and protein actually. I also combine a hidrating with a keratine conditioner by the rule of locking in the moisture. I don't know where I read about the method of locking in moisture with a heavier conditioner (probably the LHC or Igorsbelltower) but it works wonders. The only downside on it is so-called over-conditioning. Without a capillary schedule we tend to focus on moisture and forgetting about nutrition and repair for example.

I always coat my hair in conditioner until it has a kind of creamy texture/feel in my hands and bun it for anything between 10 minutes to half an hour. My hair becomes slippery, but then I have mostly fine, straight and unprocessed hair. There are other ways to create buns rather than not conditioning your hair like at all because "it'll be weighed down". To get an idea how to bun slippery hair check out rionahshairblog, Claudia Klein's youtube channel and my hair friendly hairstyles post.

The only reason I'm doing a capillary schedule is for learning purposes. I need to learn that hair needs all 3 cathegories of care. But washing my hair 2 or 3 times a week seems like overdoing it for me. I think I will come up with one weekly-capillary-schedule: washing/conditioning hair every week but keeping the moisture-oils-proteine one day per week. 

I also go by the rule of buying a new conditioner based on one of the 3 hair care types and keep it until I finish the bottle. I think it's ok because I definitelly don't have any damage.

Am I worrying too much about my hair?

All in all, understand that hair needs all 3 types of care. Of course damage plays a huge role in your hair's needs too, but then damage cannot be repaired. You can only care for the healthier hair until you cut off all the damage.


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