4G conn. and the MUST HAVE a Smartphone-trick

 Free games for mobile phones nokia x2-01

since like 2 months ago my phone (nokia x2-01) battery discharged in anytime between 1 week and 2 days. needless to say that discharging gone faster day by day...
I was thinking to say bye-bye to my ol' good mobile phone and buy another one; but I just love my mobile phone! it still works wonderful, it still has that good quality sound on radio and phone calls, it still has a good conn. even in the basement of "my" blockhouse, it still doesn't make any interference with any other devices in my room. luckily I found a new (no second hand!) battery provided by nokia.
the new battery has same discharging rate! I switched the the old one but it still discharges in 3-4 days at most. what?
I switched back to the new battery. still the same problem.
then I remembered that I read about 4G conn. draining phone batteries like 3 times faster (!). I removed the sim-card when I charged my phone yesterday (sunday). normally my phone battery would be half drained by now. thankfully my phone battery is still full! I googled about how to deactivate internet and MMS because it's been like 6 years since I used them. it didn't occur to me to deactivate the them because my phone deactivated automatically when not used.
so apparently I MUST HAVE a 4G compatible (!) smartphone because it is said it can deactivate 4G when not used? like what? why can't my phone do it? or my GSM provider?
thankfully I don't use my sim-card that much. but when I have to use it I need people to email or message me on facebook first to settle a phone call.
I'm suspecting 4G meandering kinda odd energy bill too... #conspiracies
now: does anyone know any 2G/GSM only provider in Germany?


  1. I like my old mobile too, had it for 5 years. If it works, and you are happy, best to keep it.


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