Spring Author Feature: Luisa H.

Author and book reviewer Deanna Jackson has featured my book in her blog. I'm honored. I met Deanna on #writerscommunity and #bloggerscommunity. I love twitter more than I like facebook. I like our #authorbreak where I answer questions about my writing and reading, art in general, meet professional or hobby writers and much more.
I still work on different projects. I read Justina Robson's Natural History (germ. Die Verschmelzung) and I can say I never read something like this before. A review is on the way too.
In the meantime I decided to blog about things that matter instead of filling my blog with empty words about flowers growing and bla bla bla about #QuarantineLife. I want to write about things that matter to me. I want to scroll down my blog and find stuff I won't find that easily on social media. Having my book featured in a blog, even if it's not proofreaded, professionally edited, not available on Amazon because I don't like how complicated Amazon is, I think is a good start for me as a hobby author who just wrote some ideas on a A4 paper and wrote more until it became a trilogy in progress.
In the meantime I am just becomming the way I always wanted to be: a long haired lady living in the wrong century and listening to rock music as I used to do in high school. My hair still grows longer and I am patient enough to let it grow to my calves. A hair blog is just as stupid as a flower-y blog for me. I don't do anything special with my hair because my back won't allow it. I also have a blog entry about my updos, still as work in progress. I don't just throw my hair into a whatever rat's nest with a hair tie, but writing about my daily updos and sharing photos - that's too much for me. I do this on the LHC sometimes. Now I am so used to long hair that caring for it is just as normal as... brushing my teeth(?).
Oh well... see ya 😊


  1. I've been loving reading during this time. I never allow myself to ourside lockdown.


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