Homeopathy and remedies

I got cold like almost 3 weeks ago. It happens to me every winter.
Like last year, I DIY'd and I got healthy.
First day was a chore: I couldn't even breathe well, let alone speak.
I made something I learned from my grandmother. I googled it but I'd add: that photo is stupid. Cover your whole head under the towel! Breathe slowly and deeply. Keep your handkerchief nearby so you can grab it whenever you need to sneeze.
Don't drink that tea afterwards, make a new one to drink. Just in case...
I did this... breathing hot steam for 3 days in a row 2 times a day.
In the meantime I drank a lot of tea. I can fairly say I drank like 2l of black (as to not drink coffee for few days) or mint tea. Of course I added either sugar and lemon or a menthol bonbon, or just simply drank the tea with anything fancy in my cup.
Of course it helped that I DIY'd my spa time: hot water in the bad thub. I recommend you to tilt your head to get it warm in the water! Warming your head area is the best way to get rid of the cold. If you have a fluffy pullover but your head is uncovered, you achieved practically nothing. Make sure your extremities are warm and your head too!
When finishing inhaling tea or got out of the bathroom stay warm! I can't stress this  enough and I can't count how many people don't do this simple stuff. Probably they still want to seem "laidback" or "soft", even at home.
I wrap my braid in a bun and cover my hair with a beanie 
On day one I slept with the hot towel in my head.
After 24h I can decide if I need another round of inhaling tea or I should plan it for the evening. I also decide if I need a beanie or my hot towel again for sleep.
Sometimes I sleep in my day to day pullover under the blanket just to stay warm.
After a week there's that awkward situation: you feel like you're not cold anymore but you maybe don't know how vulnerable you are in this situation. Yes, you are cold, even if you don't need a hot bath every day or feel like it, even if your nose seems better and your voice probably too... you are cold and you can turn back yo day one. This is the point where we decide that homeopathy doesn't work (let alone old wives' remedies!
I'm sure some of you (especially if you read my blog for the first time and eventually check out how long my hair is) think my hair would take a lot of time to dry. Wash your hair in the evening - or even better - on weekends! If you have fine or short hair, a few hours is enough for your hair to dry (styling not included of course). If your hair takes a lot to dry, weekends are ok because you have the whole weekend free to let your hair dry. My hair is medium to thick but "to much to handle" or "too fine and it doesn't have volume". People can't decide what type of hair I have. My hair takes 2 hours in summer to completely dry and over 4 hours in winter. Each and every strand is fine to almost medium (a bit thinner than a sewing thread). My hair is straight but my lower half is still wearing the mark of a long pixie. It can become bushy but it will not turn into waves until cut short and swirled the heck out of it. It's 1c. That's why I wash my hair on weekends mostly and maybe over the weekdays on special occasions.
Don't forget vitamins. Eat fruit and vegetables, sometimes even  anything containing calcium is good too.
Since 9th February I didn't need any handkerchief beside my bed. I keep the handkerchief pack nearby but that feeling of not needing it right now is good. I still need a hot tea and my larynx is still sore.
It's 12th Feb. My larynx are ok, sometimes a blast of cold air makes me cough but officially I think I'm healed. It doesn't matter, a hot tea helps me with eating less and prevent getting cold again.


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