Hair challenges 2020

Challenge 1: no trim
Challenge 2: a capillary schedule
I chose Middle and high porosity hair because hair beyond butt length should tend to be medium poros. I don't know if it's true, but I chose the middle between low porosity CC and high porosity CC. I either risk too much less or too much products that either don't penetrate my lower porosity hair or penetrate it too much and let it weigh down by so much products. So the happy middle it is!
If you wash your hair once a week follow this CC
  • 1st week: hydration
  • 2nd week: rekonstruction
  • 3rd week: nutrition
  • 4th week: rekonstruction

I'll decide if I buy either conditioner or hair mask though. I'm not happy with hair masks because they're basically conditioners to leave for longer than 2 mins. Meh.
My conditioner should contain
 - for hydration: any hydrating conditioner (germ. Feuchtigkeit)
 - for nutrition: mostly conditioners that contain oils
 - for reconstruction: keratin, repair conditioners.

It's hard for me to keep track of the products I use every week. I have to be careful not to use the same conditioner 2 weeks in a row or not forgetting the sequence of each product and week. Far too much fuss for a benign neglect(er) like me. After I'll finish the rest of my conditioner bottles one by one I'll go back to my whatever's-on-sale-and-my-hair-likes-it method. Besides, I didn't feel any extra moisture or growth or whatever people expect to feel on their hair when they hoard up products.
I'll add for myself to remember: today, Jan. 12th I made a nutrition CC.
Today, 19th February, one month of capillary schedule. I don't feel anything special on my hair. No mega-moisture, no super growth, nothing about frizz and flyaways... nothing special, really. I begin to think a CC is another product scam to make you buy 3 types of hair mask(!) or conditioner.
I'll begin my 2nd round of capillary schedule with what's left of a moisturizing conditioner.


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