My go-to bun for sleep (the elling woman bun)

My hair is very long. There, where the hair is so long to reach beyond your buttocks. It's called classic length.
So I definitely don't sleep with my hair loose, otherwise I'd wake up with a mass of tangles.
I'm also past the length where a braid was enough. I can't sleep in a single position all night long or drag the tailbone length braid from under my back. If I let my tailbone length braid I'd end up with massive breakage in the morning.
So I have to protect my ends somehow.
So far the elling woman bun is perfect for sleep. It keeps the tassel of my braid pretty much inside the bun.
Shampoo makes my hair greasy, conditioner doesn't 

Next morning my updo loosened a bit but my braid tassel is still protected inside the bun 

Start with a French or Dutch braid. An English or a side braid won't hold your ends inside the bun unless you pin it, which is damaging.
Tie your braid (optional)
Now pick a loop of the braid, but a loop closer to your scalp or nape of your neck.
Wrap the rest of the braid around the loop tuck the ends inside the loop too. It will look like a braided beebutt or braided cinnamon bun.
I think when hair reaches a bit beyond classic length this bun may not work anymore. I woke up with tangled hair and it it took a lot of me not to rip off my hair.
My new method is braiding and oiling my tassel. I'm actually looking for a sleep cap.


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