Why do we deny climate change?

Scientists as well as the media knew about climate change since the 50's(!), but oil companies and getting rich fast  in an unsustainable economy were further supported by politicians.
Fast forward to 2018, when Greta Thunberg started "her" Fridays for future, scientists and ecologists all around the world got courage to tell the truth.
The reason why we keep denying climate change is because we did nothing since the 50's and now, suddenly, all we hear and read is that we're going extinct in 30 to 100 years! (Don't forget the point-of-no-return happening in probably 30 years if we're lucky(!)) The Paris Agreement was signed just few years ago, but all went well until some kids started demanding from politicians to do something about the earth warming. Yeah! like those politicians would ever care about us; now I even have to give up eating animal produce and driving my car to work (mostly 40 km away from home) to sustain an unsustainable economy.
People are confused by the sudden changes in such a short time. If people would stop warming the Earth since the 50's everything would be ok. If we'd started since 4 years ago, it would still be ok, we'd still have time to adjust, to invest in a new industry, to adjust to a new lifestyle. Now we are trapped between Brexit, immigrants, fear of islamization, keeping our economy from collapsing and school/work responsabilities. What to chose? What to believe in? Is it all that bad? Which thing is worse than what in this mess?!


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