A dream came true

 I always wanted to be a photographer. It's actually the less demanding job when it comes to some-people-I-know's standards. Creativity comes naturally to me, especially when I'm alone, in peace with myself and the world and surrounded by helpful people.

I just had study too much, go to school like I was supposed  to be a school girl for the rest of my life, to impress people who couldn't care less about me. I just don't know how I got to photograph something, that almost 9 years later is now to be featured in an exhibition. 

buy it on GuruShots

My exhibited photo was shot in 2013, in Constanţa, Romania.
I already got to read something about how and when to use camera flash, so this photo was created as an experiment with no flash in low light. Unfortunately, after I showed to my mom how low light photography is indeed possible,  I removed the other photo I made with camera flash.

I started to get into photography in 2008. I still remember those hard contrasted photos, my absolute lack of knowledge about the rule of thirds, symmetry, cropping, colours in photography, HDR vs tonemaping plus the fact that there was a time when typical HDR was pushing the contrast and the colors to the maximum, etc.

I only had the chance to read about photography editing and experiment with photography only on holidays. 

Transfagarasan, RO Nokia 6300. also available as print

Anyway, I got to GuruShots by pure chance. It was 2016 when after trying several websites, I googled "photo websites like 500px". GuruShots was amazing from the start. I didn't mean to win something or to be featured somewhere. I just saw how slowly but steady I advanced from newbie to expert in 4 years. It seems fair enough for someone like me who doesn't have any friends to push views into my website, who is not a photographer but an amateur who reads some tips online and tries to recreate those tips without professional equipment, who doesn't understand a word about marketing.

Bild könnte enthalten: Feuer und Nacht
indeed a lucky shot


Keine Fotobeschreibung verfügbar.
available as print
Keine Fotobeschreibung verfügbar.
available as print

 Today, after 6 years on Gurushots, half a year learning how GS actually works on GS discord channel, after staying away from boring classes that promise you success only if you already have clients and you are a manager rather than an artist, not paying for software that I don't understand, I have finaly the chance to exhibit one of my photos. 

It will be available from 9-11th of June 2021, in a digital exhibition in Barcelona. I'll keep you posted.


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