My view on "Why Native Americans Keep Their Hair Long"

People think it's like "grow my hair and I become a half-god like hercule or thor or jesus". No, it doesn't work like that.
I can tell you for a fact that my hair feels natural, like part of my body sicne it grew long. Since it grew to cbl and layed flat I felt how my scalp is actually having a rest, relaxes in a way no massage can do. I can also tell you for a fact that my body needs long hair because I got rid of trichotilomania since my hair reached mbl. My mind and my concentration is at highest level when I have my hair braided or bunned. No wonder about the chinese cue for me .
My hair still feels short, so yes, my body needs longer hair.

Ok now back to the article.
I think people missunderstand sences overall. How many people today know something about intuition? unless it is of course the feminine intuition to know that men need love? lol
I'm 100% sure the article refers to a progress, to an evolution of mankind: those with long hair have that natural feel of things. I get that too. I can tell about my hair and my cowlicks falling naturally when my hair is down and scalp relaxex. I can tell you that I can make my buns tighter or softer and anything in between just the way my scalp feels that day. You can't have that natural feeling with spikes that stick up instead of falling naturally where and how your follicles lay. Not to mention the styling that definitelly is all against the natural way of hair and folicles. All of these are just stress to the nerves. It's probably a small stress for modern society but let's think about generations before modernism. They let their hair be. It wasn't any strain to their folicles, it didn't give very small headaches, it didn't add up to t he general daily stress. And now? People focus on their already rag(y) updo 4 times a day and redo it instead of wearing it in one style a day to let follicles relax.

Now further, esotheric explaination to this article: I know you guys think hair is dead, but I never think about it like this: I can tell you for a fact that when I am stressed my hair tangles in fairy knots and the only solution is to cut that fairy knot. I had pixies to sl and my hair hair was a tangled mess my entire childhood! I was in a constant terror of failing at school, even "a lower grade is a desaster for your future" (quote from my family).
So yes, hair is an antenna to the universe. It falls when you are stressed or ill, it reacts to weather and chemicals... etc.
So why doesn't it hurt when you cut it? Because it's dead? No. I think it has such fine nerves that you don't feel pain when you cut it, but it gives you signals. Now thing abouth the hundreds of generations that inheirt the genes of feeling the smallest strain in their bodies, weather it comes from a thighter updo or those strains are environmental. That's the point, that's how I understand long hair. I mean how many times we ignore our pains "it´'s a just a small headache", "I am a bit tired, I need another coffee", it all comes in a short time: child crying, responding quickly to an e-mail, answering that phone, etc.
In hindi culture it's said hair must be piled up on top of your head so you can focus on daily activities (buns of course).
So yes, long hair and buns and braids are so versatile to release the stress that you absolutelly have when you fight hair against it's folicles, against it's cutticles (heat and chemical styling).


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