We need our nature back

It was never so bad as this year (yes, 2019). My neighbors began cutting down trees and hedges all over the area. Since 4 years ago, since I live here I saw yet another tree gone, yet another hedge replaced with wood fences. I mean what's the idea behind it? Why cutting trees to create wood fences? Just because they don't want to sweep the fallen leaves once a year probably?
courtesy of web.de

The areas where I live and work have become empty without those magestic trees and bushes.

These trees still exist, thank God.
Unfortunatelly I am not allowed to show you much of my area, because it's private area... you know...

Of course people actually complained about the fact that they should leave nature alone. Many of those comments don't even have anything to do with the article. Insert German lesson of the day: meckern (complaining).
Honestly I am prepared not to hear any more electric saw in summer.
Have a nice day and let me know if you think this regulation should be aplied wherever you are. 😇


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