
Showing posts from July, 2019

Layers, feathered cuts and... Step cuts?

I just wanted to know why people say layers make your hair voluminous and manageable... and " effortless " (what a gag btw) while the bottom half of my hair is a chore to detangle sometimes, "thanks" to layers. After cca. an hour of research I stumbled upon a "new" type of haircut called step cut . This step cut is supposed to give bounce (whatever this supposed to be anyway) to your hair, whereas layers are just some short hair strands to flatter your face or something. I feel like when I had short hair I had almost curly hair, again thanks to layers, step cut  or whatever chopped off mess people can do out of hair in general. Now that my hair grew at least to bsl/mbl (bra strap to mid-back for people who are not familiar with the long hair community ), I found out that my hair appears to be some kind of poofy straight instead of Shakira-wavy! Dec. 2017, waist length. Straight 'till collarbone length, wavy length and kinda curly ends I thi...